Robot Max
Ask yourself - how long can you do without a mobile phone, without communication and the Internet? Perhaps not more than a few hours. But just some fifteen to twenty years ago we did not even know what it was like and did not imagine that mankind would come up with something like that. But nevertheless, the process does not stand still and instead of household appliances and simple toys, robots come.
Global robotization becomes inevitable. And our project is one of the first attempts to bring to the local market a robot-toy and a robot-helper that will be available to any family, as mobile phones, computers and Internet access are now available.
Robots-androids, certainly, not a novelty in the market, but our indisputable advantage consists, first of all, in its ability to communicate and recognize commands in the native language for the user, and secondly, an attractive and affordable price.
We are confident that our intelligent multifunctional device - robot Max will very quickly gain popularity and become an indispensable member in many families.

Who is Max?
Robot Max - is a multifunctional smart device will be sold in Germany and German-speaking countries (such as Austria, Switzerland).
It is equipped with a speech recognizer and is ready to execute the commands entered into its memory. The list of
commands and dialogs is unlimited, along with the robot, the user acquires the ability to launch an application on a smartphone that will enable him to independently, simply and quickly train his robot and accordingly personalize it.
Thus, the robot Max, having many functions, may be of interest not only to children, but also to adults.
What we want
The main goal of our project is to make robots more accessible, interesting and easy to use. We want:
1. That the robot Max helped children in development, taught and entertained them.
2. For the robot Max to become an au pair for the parents, instilled in them confidence and calmness for what is happening in their house and with their children.
3. He gave the opportunity to communicate to the elderly and physically restricted people

Nice to meet you
Robot Max is a robot android, it looks like a little man and is equipped with 17 servos, the arrangement of which repeats the location of the human joints and allows it to move just like you.
He knows how to sing and dance, controls household appliances in the house, sings and tells stories, can support the conversation, and also performs the functions of a mobile phone and a surveillance device.
Its options are not limited and thanks to the work of our programmers are constantly supplemented and improved.

Grow Your Vision
Our main goal and dream is to make the future more accessible and closer. We want the robots androids to stop being unattainable and become the same familiar pets as dogs or cats are now.
Developing the functionality of the robot and constantly working on improvements in the software, we strive to give people the opportunity to communicate with the robot feel the same as when communicating with a person.